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Organised Walks – Wooburn, Bucks

27 September, 2023 at 10:15 am

Meet in Wooburn Park free car park (turn off the A4094 by St Paul’s Church into Wooburn Town road), Wash Hill, Wooburn, HP10 0TT.

A 6-mile walk up through the woods and down by the riverside, which could be muddy in places. A short-cut is available for the Groovers along the dismantled railway line, avoiding one of the hills and reducing the distance to 5 miles.

Explorer 172

GR SU 911878

CS Map 13

Please meet up 10 minutes before the start time. 

When the booking window for the month has opened, please book tickets here. 


27 September, 2023
10:15 am
Event or Activitiy Category:


Patricia Boxell
01494 438968 / 07847 869506