Leave a Legacy

Help secure the future of our landscape

The Chilterns is a special place and for almost 60 years the Chiltern Society has worked hard to keep it that way.  By remembering our Charity in your will, a gift of any size will help ensure that we have the resources to meet the challenges ahead.

Our membership fees cover our charity’s basic running costs so we depend on legacies, which make up almost half of our charity income, to help us to implement long-term plans and protect the countryside for future generations to enjoy.

Gifts in wills allow us to…

Include a gift in your will

We understand that decisions such as this are personal and your loved ones come first. As a registered charity, legacy gifts to the Chiltern Society are free from inheritance tax and capital gains tax and as such could be of benefit to the remainder of your estate. If you do consider including the Chiltern Society in your will, the smallest gift can make a lasting difference.

Whether it is a gift in the form of money, financial assets such as shares, or in property and valuables, we suggest you contact your solicitor to make a change in your will. Alternatively, you can simply add a codicil to include the Society.

Here are the details your solicitor will need to include our charity in your Will:
Full name: The Chiltern Society
Registered Charity No: 1085163
Our address: White Hill Centre, White Hill, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1AG
Telephone: 01494 771250.

If you already have a Will, and would like to add the Chiltern Society as a beneficiary, you can do so by completing our simple Codicil Form (PDF below). Keep your completed Codicil safe, storing it with your current original Will, and pass a copy to anyone who holds a copy of your Will.

The Bluebell Guild

The Bluebell Guild recognises supporters who indicate their intention to help us in this way. The Guild also makes it possible to thank people during their lifetime for their foresight and generosity. Whilst membership will remain confidential, members will receive occasional communications and be invited to exclusive events.

Although it is a personal matter, letting us know that you have decided to include the Chiltern Society in your Will is helpful as it enables us to plan for the future.

Have a question?

Our Legacy team are here to help.
Email us or call 01494 771250.

Next steps

If you do decide that you want to leave a legacy, you can download this leaflet and return the form to us to let us know your decision.

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Your support helps us to manage our nature reserves properly and continue our conservation work across the Chilterns countryside.

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