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Great Hampden, Bucks (29 Mar)

29 March, 2023 at 10:15 am

Meet on the common / cricket pitch along Memorial Road, Great Hampden, HP16 9RQ. Parking roadside, or around the corner at the Hampden Arms PH if booked for lunch. 

A 5.5 mile walk around the Hampdens tickling the edge of Lacey Green. A mix of forest trails and farmland following Grim’s ditch taking in Hampden House and church and the lovely beach forests surrounding Great Hampden and a fascinating complete scale replica of a Tudor galley ship at Kingswood House. No challenging hills (~525 ft walk elevation), minimal stiles, could be wet through forest trails.  

Explorer 181 

GR SP 846015 

CS Maps 12, 3 

Please meet up 10 minutes before the start time. 

The booking window will open on Thursday March 9 after which time, please book tickets here.  



29 March, 2023
10:15 am
Event or Activitiy Category:


Paul Cooke
07901 516342