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Organised Walks – Peppard Common, Oxon

25 September at 10:15 am

Meet on Peppard Common close to the Red Lion PH (off the B481), RG9 5LB, where there is adequate roadside parking.

A mainly woodland walk of just over five miles, and a total ascent of 400ft. The route first passes south through Rotherfield Common, turns west across Stony Bottom and enters the woodlands of Shiplake Bottom and New Copse. It then heads north to traverse Kingwood Common and returns down an attractive valley through Great and Littlebottom Wood.

Plenty of lunch options within a few minutes drive.

Explorer 171

GR SU 709819

CS Map 2, 4

Please meet up 10 minutes before the start time. 

When the booking window for the month has opened, please book tickets here. 


25 September
10:15 am
Event or Activitiy Category:


Bob Parry
0118 9620405 / mobile on the day 07722 350210