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Organised Walks – Church End, Bucks

4 August at 10:00 am

Meet at Bledlow Church (Holy Trinity), Church End, HP27 9PD. Parking roadside or in the small lay-by.

A 6 mile walk offering excellent views going out along the Ridgeway to Lodge Hill Nature Reserve and prehistoric site. Returning along the Chiltern Way, and finishing with a walk around the sunken aquatic Lyde Gardens, created by Lord Carrington and opposite the family home.

Refreshments / lunch available in The Lions of Bledlow PH afterwards.

Explorer 181

GR SP 776021

CS Map 14

Please meet up 10 minutes before the start time. 

Please book tickets here.   


4 August
10:00 am
Event or Activitiy Category:


Peter Hetherington
07767 647714