The last couple of months have been a busy time for the Planning Group with the Government and local Councils carrying out a number of visioning exercises relating to parts of the Chilterns.
The Government has consulted on the Oxford-Cambridge Arc Spatial Framework, which is national guidance that will affect future development in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire (although Buckinghamshire Council is not supporting it politically!). As this could potentially affect large parts of the Chilterns, the Society has submitted a written response highlighting the pressing need to protect the AONB and Green Belt and to do much more on nature recovery and addressing climate change, rather than concentrating on growth at all costs. The full response can be read here.
Similarly, the Society has responded on the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 and the Buckinghamshire Strategic Vision. Again, there is a need for greater emphasis on the environment and a stronger commitment to addressing biodiversity loss and climate change. The Oxfordshire response can be read here. and the Buckinghamshire response here.
It is unclear at present how these various visions will sit together and how they will influence the forthcoming Local Plans for Buckinghamshire and South Oxfordshire/Vale of White Horse. We will be continuing to promote the Chilterns and our environmental priorities as these Plans are developed.