Ewelme Watercress Centre, Solar Panel Installation – Update
Our site Ewelme Watercress Centre, the home of Ewelme Watercress Beds and Local Nature Reserve had solar panels installed on its roof by Sims Solar of Wallingford earlier this year. Generation started on 1 March. The installation was generously supported by contributions from Cllr Freddie van Mierlo’s Oxfordshire County Councillor
Chiltern Chalk Streams – Story Map
Check out our new story map on Chiltern chalk streams, compiled by one of our volunteers, Susan Holmes. The story map gives a tour of the chalk streams found across the Chiltern Society’s area, including their ecological status and nearby Chiltern Society sites. The story map also explains why chalk
River Chess Workparty – Water Voles (update)
Having completed one training day and one volunteer day, we have successfully installed two large berms, two deflectors and a couple of other features on the River Chess at Latimer Park – all part of the project to improve the local habitat for water voles. The ‘volunteers’ this time were
Work set to begin on the Misbourne Greenway – a brand new walking wheeling and cycling route in Buckinghamshire
This week, work begins on site to build a four-kilometre walking, wheeling and cycling route along the Misbourne Valley in Buckinghamshire. Sustrans, the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle, has been working with partners to design and deliver the long-awaited route. This is with thanks to
Chiltern Society opposes Marlow Film Studios project
The Society has submitted a strong objection to a planning application to Buckinghamshire Council (ref 22/06443/FULEA) for the development of new film studios on Green Belt land that has been set aside for the development of a country park close to Marlow. Our objections can be summarised as follows –
“Chalk Streams First”
“Chalk Streams First” coalition puts forward proposals to cease or reduce abstraction from the Colne and Lea chalk streams A coalition of conservation and river organisations is working to tackle a major threat to our chalk streams in the Chilterns: excessive
South Oxfordshire Housing Targets are Unclear
The Chiltern Society has submitted a response to the Issues Consultation for the proposed South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Local Plan, which will cover the period until 2041. We considered that the Plan was strong on environmental issues, including protection of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural
HS2 seek an injunction against ‘Persons Unknown’ entering their land
HS2 have been seeking to remove protestors from a camp at Cash’s Pit in Staffordshire. As part of the action, they are seeking an injunction both against named people and Persons Unknown. While this seems reasonable, they have extended the requested injunction to cover all the land acquired in building
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