“Area of Neighbourly Behaviour” report – HS2
Last Friday the Chiltern Society issued a report on the experience of HS2 construction in the AONB, in the eight months following Notice to Proceed. This contains numerous examples of environmental destruction, the lack of community engagement, and persistent un-neighbourly behaviour, which we have come to associate with this project
Leader of the Council calls out HS2 Limited’s attempts to keep local residents informed
proposals to Parliament. Faced with the delivery phase of this unwanted project, the least we should expect is considerate, well communicated implementation. However, despite the assurances from HS2 that they will be a “good neighbour” we are not currently experiencing that. Instead HS2 issues are diverting tax-payers’ resources away from
Petition to hold a Public Vote on HS2
A Petition has been set up calling for the Government to told a Public Vote as to whether to continue with HS2. See link here.
Family on Bottom House Farm Lane ‘exhausted’ after months of HS2 hell
HS2 do it again. Life is hell, if you live where they are building the access road to the Chalfont St Giles Vent Shaft! See our HS2 Photo Diary of before and current images.
Prime Minister’s 10-point plan for ‘green industrial revolution’
The plans are aimed to put the UK on track to meet its goal of net zero emissions by 2050. The government has also given funding to boost cycling and walking. Offshore wind: Produce enough offshore wind to power every home in the UK, quadrupling how much it produces to 40
Dacorum Local Plan
The Chiltern Society has today written to Cllr Ron Tindall at Dacorum Borough Council expressing concerns about the Council potentially approving the emerging draft Local Plan this evening, and in particular its ramifications for the future of the Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the Chilterns. Having
Denham Country Park Water Voles and HS2
HS2 Ltd continue to endanger wildlife. This time water voles in Denham Country Park. Denham Country Park Water Voles Update 10.11.20 Water Vole-wildlife crimes – Denham Country Park, Bucks
Chiltern Society AGM & Cleaner Greener Chilterns (CGC) Conference
Due to the current restrictions, this year’s AGM, which was followed by a Cleaner Greener Conference, took place online on 7th November. It is estimated that about 100 people attended via Zoom and they were able to type and send questions and comments which were addressed. Both events were recorded
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