Chiltern Society AGM & Cleaner Greener Chilterns (CGC) Conference

Due to the current restrictions, this year’s AGM, which was followed by a Cleaner Greener Conference, took place online on 7th November.

It is estimated that about 100 people attended via Zoom and they were able to type and send questions and comments which were addressed.

Both events were recorded and have now been uploaded to the Chiltern Society YouTube Channel – here.

There is a full article about the AGM and the CGC conference in our next Chiltern magazine which will be sent out to our Members in the next few weeks.


The AGM was chaired by Simon Kearey, Chairman with presentations from Tom Beeston, Chief Officer and Luke Jefferys, Treasurer. The meeting was rounded off, as ever, by the President, Michael Rush.

The speakers elaborated on the Annual Report, Treasurer’s Report along with a warm welcome to our new trustees.

Please see copy of the AGM 2020 Presentation.

Cleaner Greener Chilterns Conference

The AGM was followed by a CGC Conference which focussed on climate change.

The Keynote Speaker was Rosalind Readhead, Independent Mayoral Candidate for London who is actively living the “One Tonne Carbon” lifestyle. She was supported by a panel representing various relevant organisations: Steve Broadbent (Bucks Council); Kath Daly (Chilterns Conservation Board); Ed Gemmell (Scientists Warning Europe); John Meech (Council for the Protection of Rural England) and the Chiltern Society’s Dan Turner.

Please see copy of the Cleaner Greener Chilterns Presentation.

Cleaner Greener Chilterns Survey 2020 – we would love to hear from you!

So that we know how our members and friends feel about climate change it would be great if you could spare 2 minutes and complete our CGC survey (any data collected will be anonymised).

As part of the survey we ask you about your carbon footprint, if you are happy to spend a little more time (5 minutes) you can use the WWF-UK  Carbon Footprint Calculator  to do just that.