Green Belt saved at Beaconsfield

The Chiltern Society was delighted to hear just before Christmas that a planning appeal for a development of 450 new homes in the Green Belt at Beaconsfield had been dismissed by a Planning Inspector. The decision followed a Public Inquiry that took place in October/November 2022.

The original planning application for the development at Beeches Farm, Minerva Way, Beaconsfield was refused by Buckinghamshire Council following extensive objections by local organisations, including the Chiltern Society. Our main objections related to the likely impact on the local environment and the potential loss of 24ha of Green Belt land. We argued that the applicant had not demonstrated that the benefits of the scheme clearly outweighed the harm to the Green Belt, and the ‘very special circumstances’ required by Government policy did not exist.

At the time of the appeal, the Society’s Planning Group reiterated its objections to the proposal and were delighted that, following legal representations by the Beaconsfield Society and the CPRE at the appeal hearings, the Planning Inspector agreed with the Council’s decision and dismissed the appeal.

Inspector David Rose stated in his conclusions the following –

“I acknowledge that there are very important material factors which support the proposed development. However, the scheme as a whole has noteworthy drawbacks. On this basis, I conclude that the harm to the Green Belt, and the other harm which I have identified, would not be clearly outweighed by other considerations and that very special circumstances do not exist.”

You can read the full Appeal Decision here