Discovering Fungi with Fred Gillam – Kingwood Common
16 October at 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm
Autumn time walks will never be the same again if you come along to our Autumn Fungus Foray with Fred Gillam (aka Fred The Forager). Fred has been foraging for his supper for over 3 decades and has a passion for the world of fungi. He will show you exactly what you can safely pick, what to avoid and how to make use of the healthy nutritional properties of a variety of common mushrooms and fungi. Most importantly he will show us how to do this sustainably so that other woodland creatures will also get their fair share! The focus on this day will be learning some of the key skills for mushroom ID. Wrap up warm, as there is no telling what the weather in October will do, and it is unlikely that you will need to walk very far, so no need to prepare for a hike.
Fred has made recent appearances with BBC’s Jeremy Vine and on ITV Countrywise foraging and cheffing in the woods with Gino D’Acampo. His foraging courses come recommended in BBC Countryfile Magazine in the UK Top 10 & The Sunday Telegraph’s Top 5.
Bring a packed lunch, a camera and a notepad and warm clothes! A fungus foray typically doesn’t involve walking very far and there will be lots of standing and listening, so please dress warmly.