Planning Activities Arranger or Social Secretary

Wanted : a people-person to prod our planning volunteers

Our team of planning volunteers needs to lighten up.  We’ve had our heads down commenting on Council building applications and we have scattered the breadth and length of the Chilterns. We need to get together more often. We are looking for a gregarious people-person to prod us into occasional social activities. We have ideas for things to do, and you might too.

We seek a self motivated enthusiastic organizer to handle the social side of the group. A good communicator (primarily by email) to liaise between the group Chair, the Society Planning Officer, administrator, our area coordinators, advisers and volunteer planning field officers (PFOs). We also need to hook up with other society groups such as Conservation and Heritage.

One meeting of the full group is held every year, as well as quarterly meetings of coordinators and new joiners, and the group could do with more regular get-togethers. This is the area where you could contribute imaginatively.  You wouldn’t need to attend every meeting, just participate as much or/and as often as it suits and initiate an associated social event (or a separate social get-together).

The Planning Team comprises a network of area teams arranged to correspond with the boundaries of each of the county and parish councils in the Chilterns. See our structure on the website at

A bubbly outgoing social secretary can make a difference by enlivening our team, you don’t have to be a planner but you’d help us to do our role better.


If you think you might be interested, please do get in touch.

Merrin Molesworth – Tel: 01494 773381 or email:

Alternatively you can apply using the form below, we look forward to hearing from you.

Read more about what we do in the Planning Group, here.