River Chess Community grants of up to £5K available now, do you qualify?

Are you a community group working somewhere in the Chess Catchment looking to do something to help the river chess or reduce how much water is being used? If so you may be eligible for one of our community grants.

Here in the Chilterns we are one of the highest consumers of water, with those not on meters using over 200 litres/person/day, dropping to around 150 litres where metering is in place. Here in the Chess Valley 97% of all water is used in our homes.

The Community Grant Fund is looking to support local organisations, charities and groups, who are looking to address one or more of the six key theme of the Chess Water Catchment Pilot.

  1. Managing Flow,
  2. Water Quality,
  3. Wildlife Corridors,
  4. Invasive Species,
  5. Working Together,
  6. Involving People

Each theme has an objective and part to play in improving the River Chess Catchment area, this is your chance to be part of the work. The Chess Smarter Water Catchment Pilot is a partnership funded by Thames Water. The area covered by this project is marked in the map attached.

The Grants are for up to £5,000, please read our Guidance Notes (PDF) before applying via our online application portal.