Planning Guidance Statements

A helpful tool

Planning Guidance Statements (PGSs) have been developed by the Society over several years to assist Planning Field Officers and Area Planning Coordinators to respond (in as consistent a way as possible) to planning applications that are covered by the following list of subjects.

Please note that following a PDF link below will download it to your device.


Guide to the Planning System (PDF)

Map of the Chiltern Society Area

Greenbelt and AONB

Manifesto for Wildlife

Anaerobic Digesters


Solar Panels

Telecommunications Masts

Wind Turbines

Public Houses

Permitted Development (PDF)

Guide to the Planning System (PDF)

Map of the Chiltern Society Area

Greenbelt and AONB

Manifesto for Wildlife

Anaerobic Digesters


Solar Panels

Telecommunications Masts

Wind Turbines

Public Houses

Permitted Development (PDF)