Small Dean Viaduct

The viaduct will take the route across the A413, the Chiltern Railway Line and Small Dean Lane. It will be 350 metres long and take two years to construct. The main compound will be in place for over four years. Road Barn Farm has been demolished along with three associated outbuildings. National Grid overhead power lines have been diverted via three new pylons.
Small Dean Lane will be closed to all traffic during construction. A temporary footpath and bridleway will bypass the closure. PRoW Wen 57/1 will be closed during construction before being reinstated along its original alignment. A conveyor system will take spoil across the A413, the Chiltern Railway and Small Dean Lane.

Small Dean Viaduct looking north – Apr. 2016 (20_155)
Small Dean viaduct looking west – Jul. 2021 (20_154)
Small Dean viaduct looking east – Sep. 2016 (20_153)
A413 looking north towards the viaduct crossing – Apr. 2024 (20_230)
A413 looking north across the viaduct crossing – Apr. 2024 (20_229)
Viaduct supporting pier construction alongside the Chiltern Railway – Apr. 2024 (20_228)
Looking south along Chiltern Railway looking towards the viaduct crossing – Apr. 2024 (20_227)
Looking south along the Small Dean viaduct from the north abutment – Apr. 2024 (20_226)
Looking south along the A413 towards the realignment – Mar. 2024 (20_225)
Looking south along the A413 towards the realignment – Mar. 2024 (20_224)
Looking south along the A413 towards the realignment – Mar. 2024 (20_223)
Piling rig on the A413 – Mar. 2024 (20_222)
Looking south along the Chiltern Railway from Hale Bridge – Mar. 2024 (20_221)
Looking south along the viaduct route across the A413 – Mar. 2024 (20_220)
Looking north along the Small Dean north embankment towards Grove Farm underbridge – Mar. 2024 (20_219)
Small Dean viaduct looking east – Jan. 2024 (20_218)
A413 Looking south towards realignment – Jan. 2024 (20_217)
A413 looking south – Aug. 2023 (20_216)
A413 looking south – Aug. 2023 (20_215)
A413 looking west – Aug. 2023 (20_214)
Looking south along the Chiltern Railway from Hale Bridge – Aug. 2023 (20_213)
Looking south along the viaduct route from Small Dean Lane diversion – Aug. 2023 (20_212)
Looking north from the Small Dean Lane diversion towards Grove Farm underbridge – Aug. 2023 (20_211)
Small Dean viaduct looking east – Jun. 2023 (20_201)
Looking north across Rocky Lane towards the Small Dean viaduct – Jul. 2023 (20_210)
Looking north towards Grove Farm underbridge – Jul. 2023 MC (20_209)
A413 looking south towards the viaduct crossing – May 2023 (20_208)
Looking west across the Chiltern Railway from the A413 – May 2023 (20_207)
Chiltern Railway looking south from Hale Bridge – May 2023 (20_206)
Conveyor system crossing Small Dean Lane – May 2023 (20_205)
Conveyor system offload – May 2023 (20_204)
Looking south along the viaduct from the Small Dean viaduct compound – May 2023 (20_203)
Looking north towards Grove Farm underbridge – May 2023 (20_202)
Small Dean viaduct launch compound access road – Apr. 2023 (20_200)
A413 looking north towards the spoil conveyor system – Apr. 2023 (20_199)
A413 looking north towards the Small Dean viaduct crossing – Apr. 2023 (20_198)
A413 looking south towards the Small Dean viaduct crossing – Apr. 2023 (20_197)
Looking north across the Small Dean viaduct crossing the A413 – Jan. 2023 (20_196)
Looking north across the Small Dean viaduct crossing the A413 – Jan. 2023 (20_195)
Looking north across the Small Dean viaduct crossing the Chiltern Railway – Jan. 2023 (20_194)
Looking south across Small Dean viaduct crossing the A413 – Jan. 2023 (20_193)
A413 looking south towards the Small Dean viaduct crossing – Jan. 2023 (20_192)
Conveyor system crossing the A413 – Dec. 2022 (20_191)
Small Dean Lane looking east towards conveyor system – Dec. 2022 (20_190)
Looking east from the temporary footpath diversion towards the conveyor system – Dec 2022 (20_189)
Looking north towards Grove Farm underbridge and the Wendover green tunnel – Dec. 2022 (20_188)
Looking south along the viaduct route from the temporary footpath diversion – Dec. 2022 (20_187)
Looking south across the entrance to the Small Dean compound – Dec. 2022 (20_186)
Looking east towards the Small Dean viaduct conveyor system – Oct. 2022 (20_185)
Small Dean viaduct looking east towards the A413 – Oct. 2022 (20_184)
Conveyor crossing the A413 (20_183)
Conveyor system crossing Small Dean Lane (20_182)
Temporary bridleway diversion looking south – Aug. 2022 (20_181)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking west – Aug. 2022 (20_180)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking north – Aug. 2022 (20_179)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking east – Aug. 2022 (20_178)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking west – Aug. 2022 (20_177)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking north – Aug. 2022 (20_176)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking north – Aug. 2022 (20_175)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking east – Aug. 2022 (20_174)
Temporary bridleway and footpath diversion looking north – Aug. 2022 (20_173)
Looking north east across the length of the viaduct – Jun. 2022 (20_172)
Looking north along the A413 towards the overhead conveyor crossing – Jun. 2022 (20_171)
Looking north along the A413 towards the overhead conveyor crossing – Jun. 2022 (20_170)
Small Dean Lane is closed for the duration of construction – Jun. 2022 (20_169)
Looking east along Small Dean Lane towards the overhead conveyor system – Jun. 2022 (20_168)
Small Dean Lane looking west – Jun. 2022 (20_166)
Small Dean viaduct compound looking north – Jun. 2022 (20_165)
Small Dean Lane looking east – Jun. 2022 (20_164)
Looking south along the Small Dean viaduct – Jun. 2022 (20_163)
Looking north towards the conveyor crossing over the A413 – May 2022 (20_162)
Conveyor crossing over the A413 looking west – May 2022 (20_161)
Conveyor crossing over the Chiltern Railway – May 2022 (20_160)
Looking north where the viaduct crosses the A413 – May 2022 (20_159)
Looking north along the viaduct route crossing the A413 – May 2022 (20_158)
Viaduct route crossing the Chiltern Railway and Small Dean Lane – May 2022 (20_157)
Small Dean Lane looking east May 2022 (20_156)
Security surveillance of public highway – Jan. 2022 (20_152)
Small Dean viaduct launch compound – Jan. 2022 (20_151)
Small Dean viaduct launch compound – Feb. 2022 (20_150)
Small Dean viaduct launch compound – Feb. 2022 (20_149)
HGV leaving compound to join traffic on the A413 – Feb. 2022 (20_148)
HS2 vehicle joining queue on the A413 – Feb. 2022 (20_147)
(86) Small Dean viaduct looking east – Nov. 2021 (20_143)
(88) Small Dean viaduct looking east – Nov. 2021 (20_141)
A413 looking north – Sep. 2021 (20_134)
A413 looking south – Sep. 2021 (20_133)
Road Barn Farm site looking south – Sep. 2021 (20_132)
Looking north east across the site of Road Barn Farm – Sep. 2021 (20_129)
A413 looking north – Aug. 2021 (20_126)
Road Barn Farm looking south – Jul. 2021 (20_125)
Road Barn Farm looking east – Aug. 2021 (20_124)
Road Barn Farm looking south – Aug. 2021 (20_122)
A413 looking north towards Wendover Active Resistance camp – Jul. 2021 (20_121)
Concrete batching plant (20_120)
A413 looking north – Apr. 2021 (20_75)
Road Barn Farm looking north – Apr. 2021 (20_74)
Road Barn Farm looking north – Apr. 2021 (20_73)
A413 looking north – Sep. 2021 (20_72)
A413 looking north – Sep. 2021 (20_71)
A413 looking north – Sep. 2021 (20_70)
Small Dean Lane looking east – May 2021 (20_68)
Small Dean Lane looking west – May 2021 (20_67)
Small Dean compound looking west – May 2021 (20_66)
Small Dean Lane looking east – May 2021 (20_65)
Small Dean Lane viaduct launch satellite compound – Mar. 2021 (20_61)
Small Dean Lane viaduct launch satellite compound – Mar. 2021 (20_60)
Small Dean Lane looking south – Mar. 2021 (20_57)
Small Dean Lane looking south – Mar. 2021 (20_56)
Small Dean Lane looking south – Mar. 2021 (20_55)
Small Dean Lane looking south – Mar. 2021 (20_54)
Small Dean Lane looking west – Mar. 2021 (20_53)
Small Dean Lane looking west – Mar. 2021 (20_52)
Small Dean Lane looking north – Mar. 2021 (20_51)
Small Dean Lane looking east – Mar. 2021 (20_50)
Small Dean Lane looking east – Mar. 2021 (20_49)
Small Dean Lane looking west- Mar. 2021 (20_48)
Small Dean Lane looking west – Mar. 2021 (20_47)
Looking south along the route from the A413 towards Rocky Lane – Feb. 2021 (20_44)
A413 looking north towards Road Barn Farm – Feb. 2021 (20_43)
Road Barn Farm awaiting demolition – Feb. 2021 (20_42)
A413 looking north – Feb. 2021 (20_41)
A413 – Wendover Active Resistance Camp – Feb. 2021 (20_40)
A413 – Wendover Active Resistance Camp – Feb. 2021 (20_39)
A413 – Wendover Active Resistance Camp – Feb. 2021 (20_38)
Un-numbered bridleway closure looking west – Feb. 2021 (20_37)
Vegetation awaiting removal- Feb. 2021 (20_36)
Small Dean viaduct looking west – Feb. 2021 (20_35)
Small Dean viaduct looking south – Feb. 2021 (20_34)
Small Dean Lane looking north – Feb. 2021 (20_33)
Small Dean Lane entrance to construction compound – Feb. 2021 (20_32)
Small Dean Lane looking north – Feb. 2021 (20_31)
Small Dean Lane looking east – Nov. 2020 (20_30)
Small Dean Viaduct main compound looking north – Nov. 2020 (20_29)
Small Dean Viaduct main compound looking north – Nov. 2020 (20_28)
Un-numbered bridleway looking east from Small Dean Lane – Nov. 2020 (20_27)
Un-numbered bridleway looking east across the Chiltern Railway bridge – Nov. 2020 (20_26)
Chiltern Railway looking north towards Hale Bridge – Nov. 2020 (20_25)
Un-numbered bridleway looking west from the A413 – Nov. 2020 (20_24)
Small Dean Viaduct (20_19)
A413 looking north – Apr. 2016 (20_18)
Road Barn Farm – Sep. 2012 (20_17)
Road Barn Farm looking east – Apr. 2016 (20_16)
A413 looking north – Apr. 2016 (20_15)
A413 looking south – Jul. 2019 (20_13)
A413 looking south – Jun. 2020 (20_11)
Looking west across the A413 – Jun. 2020 (20_10)
A413 looking south – Jun. 2020 (20_09)
Looking west across the A413 – Jun. 2020 (20_08)
A413 / Small Dean Lane looking west – Aug. 2010 (20_07)
Small Dean Lane looking north – Jun. 2020 (20_06)
Small Dean Lane looking north – Jun. 2020 (20_05)
Small Dean Lane looking south – Jun. 2020 (20_04)
Overhead power line diversion over new pylons, Small Dean Lane looking north – Jun. 2020 (20_03)
Chiltern Railway looking south from Hale Bridge – Jun. 2020 (20_01)