Distance < 3 miles

Brush Hill & Whiteleaf Hill Walk

This 2 mile walk explores two of the Chiltern Society’s most important nature reserves. It’s easy walking but there is one steep climb. Both sites provide fantastic panoramic views of the Chilterns escarpment, Vale of Aylesbury and further

Chesham Riverside and Woodland

The Chilterns are well known for their beech woodlands. This gentle 2.5 mile stile free walk goes through some of the best of them enabling you to appreciate their beauty and take in some lovely views over the Chess Valley.

Peppard Woodland

A scenic 2.1 mile stile free walk which starts in Peppard Common and follows Dog Lane and the Chiltern Way. A gentle walk on wide tracks. One of a series of Social Distancing walks.

Walk the HOOP

The Hitchin Outer Orbital Path follows public rights of way, countryside paths and some pavements to form a 12 mile (19.3km) route around Hitchin. The route can be broken down into stages and there are bus services to/from the town…

Forty Green Pub Walks

Pub Stroll: Just over ½ mile (1km), allow 30 minutes. Longer walk: 2 miles (3.5km), allow 1 hour, woodland, meadows and hills. Start and finish: Royal Standard of England PH, Forty Green.

Flamstead Farmland Walk

Short walk: 2½ miles (4km), undulating farmland, allow 1¼ hours. Moderate walk: 6 miles (10km), undulating farmland, allow 3 hours. Start and finish: Car Park at the junction of Friendless Lane & Mill Lane.

Chesham Food Trail

This leaflet contains four trails; one in the town and three in the surrounding countryside. Chocolate, bread, the Chesham Sausage, local honey and many other surprises are to be found in town. In the countryside the visitor will find apple…

Brush Hill Walk

This 3 mile stile free walk takes in two Chiltern Society nature reserves that have some of the finest views in the area. 180m of ascent.

Bolter End Farm

Short stile-free walk 2 miles (3km), allow 1 hour. Start and finish: Lane End car park near High Wycombe, HP14.

Berkhamsted Waterways Walk

Short walk: 2 miles (3km), no stiles, allow 45 mins.Wheelchair friendly. Medium walk: 4 miles (6km), no stiles, allow 1½ hours. Long walk: 6 miles (10km), no stiles, allow 2½ hours. Start and finish: Berkhamsted Railway Station.

Aston Rowant Walk

150 m (165 yd) path from the main car park to a viewpoint and longer, flatter, 750 m (820 yd) path through beech woods.