Chiltern Way diversion near Houghton Regis

The footpath used by the Chiltern Way east of Chalk Hill to the north of Houghton Regis will be closed until 2 August 2021. We have waymarked a diversion to avoid the affected path and notices have been placed at each end of the diversion. Download the Chiltern Way Updates PDF to see where the closed path is and for a description of the diversion route.

The closure is due to the “Houghton Regis North” development – a major development which will provide over 7,000 houses, with schools, shops and employment areas over the next 5 years. The Chiltern Society has worked closely with Central Bedfordshire Council and the developers and the 2 miles of the Chiltern Way through the development will be largely unaffected. However, with a development of this scale, temporary disruptions are inevitable. Please check our Chiltern Way page to keep up to date with what is happening on the route.