Our Penn Jubilee Wood reserve is growing

Can you help Penn nature thrive?

A staggering 97% of UK meadows have disappeared as farming practices have changed, and towns and villages have expanded to swallow up flower-rich fields. They are now one of the rarest habitats nationwide.
I would like to DONATE to your conservation work at Penn Jubilee Woods

Please call the office on 01494 771250 to make a payment, or for details about where to send a cheque.

I would like to JOIN you and support nature across the Chilterns

Following a generous donation of neighbouring land, we have exciting plans to extend our Penn Jubilee Wood wildflower meadows and establish a herd of native breed, conservation grazing cattle.

We believe that by extending the reserve for this centuries old practice, so characteristic of the Chilterns, we can create the best environment for biodiversity to thrive, maximising the reserve as a wildlife corridor and a stepping-stone for species into the wider landscape. By doing so we’ll also be creating both a prime habitat for the skylark, a ground nesting farmland bird in decline, and providing a nature-based solution essential for tackling our global climate crisis.

I would like to DONATE to your conservation work at Penn Jubilee Woods

Please call the office on 01494 771250 to make a payment, or for details about where to send a cheque.

I would like to JOIN you and support nature across the Chilterns

Our plan for enhancing biodiversity at Penn Jubilee Wood

overlooking a meadow with trees in the background and a footpath sign in the foreground

From now until early spring we’ll install the fencing, gates, pipes and water troughs to allow grazing across the reserve and increase its size by seven hectares. This will create varied meadow areas with an array of different habitat niches that can be exploited by a wide range of species.

By autumn 2024, we hope to welcome a herd of native cattle at the reserve and with it the centuries old practice of grazing.

Close-up picture of birdsfoot trefoil with distant trees and sunny blue sky

We’ll grow our passionate, dedicated team of local volunteers – who work so hard to care for the reserve – to include trained, volunteer ‘stock watchers’ who’ll monitor the health of the grazing herd.

A skylark perched on the top of a fence post

Longer term, we see biodiversity at the reserve flourishing and it becoming an area for nature, buzzing, humming and rustling with life. It will provide a resilient corridor for wildlife and a healthier natural world for everyone.

However you choose to help us achieve our mission, together we can save this landscape for future generations

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Wildlife Manifesto

Rights of Way